Evil Darkness(Col)-Malignant Supremacy

. miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009
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Estos, dementes del brutal death grind gore de colombia nos asesinan con este brutal albun se los recomiendo para k rebienten sus timpanos de full brutalidad!!

Download: http://www.zshare.net/download/552647065055ce52/

1: Intro
2: the Taking Of The Immortal Seeder
3: Infernal Rage
4: A Weak Throne Of Mortality
5: Slowly You Rot
6: The Cruel Reality Of The Enemy
7: Downfall
8: Complete Extinction
9: Repugnant Humanity
10: The Triumph(Malignant Supremacy)
11: Without Mercy
12: Buried In Hypocrisy
13: Spirit Of The Dark

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